
China’s Whole-Process People’s Democracy

字体: 打印
作者: 林建华 等
出版社: 中国社会科学出版社
副标题: 中国的全过程人民民主(英文版)
出版年: 2022-10
  Foreword: Whole-Process People’s Democracy Is the Key to Sound Governance in China 1
  I A Century in Pursuit of Whole-Process People’s Democracy 7
  1 Laying the Political Foundation for People’s Democracy 8
  2 Establishing a System of Institutions through Which the People Run the Country 15
  3 Diversifying Forms of People’s Democracy 22
  4 Developing Whole-Process People’s Democracy 27
  II Whole-Process People’s Democracy: Procedures and Practices 38
  1 Institutional Framework 39
  2 Basic Procedures 46
  3 Practices 51
  III The Path to Realizing Whole-Process People’s Democracy 60
  1 Whole-Process People’s Democracy under CPC Leadership 60
  2 Achieving Whole-Process People’s Democracy through Advancing Law-Based
  Governance 65
  3 Adhering to the Principle of Putting the People First in All Practices to Ensure the People’s Status as Masters of the Country 71
  4 Whole-Process People’s Democracy – A Chinese Model That Works 83
  IV Outstanding Characteristics of Whole-Process People’s Democracy 86
  1 Ensuring the People’s Status as Masters of the Country 86
  2 Unleashing the People’s Creativity 91
  3 Pooling Wisdom and Rallying Consensus 94
  4 Consolidating Political Stability and Unity 96
  5 Forming a Concerted Force 98
  6 Improving Governance Efficiency 101
  V Whole-Process People’s Democracy Shaping China’s Bright Future 106
  1 Creating a Better Life 106
  2 Writing a New Chapter on the Two Miracles114
  3 Building a Great Modern Socialist Country 121
  VI Whole-Process People’s Democracy Enriching Human Political Advancement 129
  1 A New Model of Human Political Achievements 129
  2 A Creative Contribution to Political Cultures 131
  3 A Pursuit of Shared Human Values 140
  Postscript 142